Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Turbo Fire HERE I come!!

Ok I know it has been a long time since I posted, a month wow. Well it has been crazy here so sitting down to post just hasn't been top priority. You will be happy to know that I have stuck to my ChaLEAN  Extreme program, I love it. i really just love everything Chalene she is truly motivating. However, with all the weight lifting I am toning and bulking up but not actually losing any fat, so all my sexiness is hidden. So I have decided (with a little push from the husband) to start Turbo Fire, I am going to ease my way into it though and start with the Prep Schedule first, then once I have finished that (its two months long) I will go head first into Turbo Fire. I am so excited I have been wanting to do Turbo Fire for awhile. I will post once I start (I will be starting tomorrow so hopefully I will be able to get on and post tomorrow how I did on day one.) Keep chugging along, if I can do this you can this. Remember exercise is awesome but without good healthy meals exercise is pointless. That is honestly my biggest issue right now, eating right, I don't horrible but my 5-6 meals a day every 2-3 hours seems to be harder then I thought without the meals just set up for me. So I am devising a plan that will help me with it. Wish me luck with that one :P