Sunday, January 29, 2012

Day 22 Insanity WOOT

Did better on Cardio Abs today, but Pure Cardio kicked my butt, didn't help that the baby was cranky and wanted to be held, but I always am able to use her, I just hold her and jog or sprint (not easy btw lol). I feel like I am not getting the workout I need still, I know my weight isn't going down, inches maybe but I really need to get my act together and start eating healthy, I am not doing bad, but I am not exactly doing good either. I can do this I know that I can, my goal is to be down to 200 by May, that's 40 pounds, I know that I can do this, Once I make this small goal I will make a new one, my all around goal is to be at my goal weight by this time next year. I know that I can do that, 10 pounds a month is easy actually less then 10 pounds. Thank you all for your encouragement, it helps more then you know!!

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